
Wednesday, June 10,2009

She does so good with crayons for a child her age.

Coloring and counting balloons.
"Watch this!"
Finished coloring and now playing while waiting for everyone to get ready to go outside.
Finding the tadpoles that have legs.
Breakfast- Chopped Beef Gravy on Toast, Cereal, Bananas, Milk
Lunch- Cheesy Enchilidas, Corn, Sliced Apples, Cheese Slices, Milk
Snack-A choice from three different kinds of snack crackers, Orange Tangerine Juice
Today was a lot less activity packed than yesterday! We worked in our "Matching What Goes Together" workbooks, practiced writing our names, and colored a Color-By-Number picture.
The 1-3 year olds colored and counted balloons pictures.
For storytime we read "Mountains" and read/sang "The Eensy, Weensy, Spider" with hand motions. We also sand "This is The Day The Lord Has Made".

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